
WiSe Accreditation in Cornwall


We are so incredibly lucky to have such a diverse range of birdlife here in Cornwall.

Gannets, Cormorants & Shags, Fulmars, Manx Shearwaters, Guillemots, Razorbills, Turns, Osprey, Peregrine Falcons, Ki

 •  Gannets
•  Cormorants & Shags
•  Fulmars
• Manx Shearwaters
• Guillemots
• Razorbills
• Turns
• Osprey
• Falcons
• Kingfishers
• Egrets
• Herons
• Puffins

Just to name a few!

A number of these species have regular nesting spots and are often seen in the same areas. We see most of these birds on a regular basis but if there is an inparticular species you would like to see, talk to your skipper on the day and they'll try their best to make it happen!

Wildlife in Cornwall

Cornwall's warm climate and diverse marine life is all due to the Gulf Stream.

It brings warm water flowing from the South up through the Atlantic Ocean past Cornwall, which then mixes with cooler Northern waters.
Species spotted are increasing constantly as more people join our Sea Safari expeditions and as sea temperatures rise we are seeing an increasingly diverse range of marine wildlife on our boat trips.

WiSe Accredited

Prioritising the safety & wellbeing of our resident wildlife is very important to us. Our skippers adhere to strict guidelines provided by the WiSe Foundation and other conservation groups. Read about our Code of Conduct and Eco Tourism here.